Anyone interested in refining your character?! Driving 15.5 hours (Actual driving time) with 3 wonderful children 6 and under is a good test for us! Truthfully, our kids do amazingly well at it, but it takes a small toll on us all. We left last week Wednesday, spent the night in Regina, and had a crazy amount of things to take care of in Steinbach in a short amount of time. We arrived back home yesterday (Left at 4:30am and arrived at 8:30ishpm!!) We are grateful for the trip, yet know there is so much to yet figure out.

I have a feeling the craziness of our lives will not be settling down anytime soon. On the way to Steinbach, we found out our 5 minute talk got turned into the full sermon time because of the scheduled preacher getting sick. I knew in my heart we had to do it, but who has time to prep for a preach when your booked to see insurance, bank, lawyers, see your new house, job, co-workers in the 2 days before?!?!

A little kick in my butt for not always being ready in and out of season!! Then on the way back to Alberta, our Lawyer calls, and explains that there was a mistake, something that he'd never seen before. The fix ended up being relatively simple BUT, I've heard way to many times in the last few months. The technical aspects of this cross provincial move have been... something brand new for a lot of people involved!

So on Saturday we got to see our new house, new workplace, and meet our co-workers all for the very first time!! What an experience it was. Lots of emotions. I don't think there's any resources out there to help you navigate those kind of experiences all together, ha ha!
The photo here is of Fletcher watching his first fireworks, set off by a neighbor in LaBroquerie during our visit.
I'll try to put a small blog post about our house, workplace, and co-workers in the next 2 weeks! Thanks for your prayers!!
Here is our little talk at Calvary Church if your interested in listening! We come in at about 43 minutes