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A few dreams of our hearts! 

We are excited and overwhelmed at the endless possibilities the Lord has for us on our new adventure.  We know anything with our God is possible, so we do not want to limit our dreams to 'reasonable' human standards.  But instead we are challenging ourselves to dream and prayer bigger and see how the Lord moves in our hearts, dreams, passions and desires.  These are just a few to start with!  Stay tuned for more. 

Dream - Horses of Hope

We have seen first hand the impact a special time with a horse can have on a hurting person.  It is a gift from the Lord to help those who are hurting on the inside!  We hope to run sessions like that for kids from Gimli Bible Camp, for families, friends, visitors etc! 

Dream - Hosting​


We have learned lots about the gift of hosting in our time in Alberta, and we are so grateful. We have met and been cared for by some very hospitable people, an hosting visitors became a regular part of our lives. We aim to be an open house as much as we can to our friends, family, and neighbors.  Our dad has purchased us our first hosting spot!  So let us know when your coming, and come on down!!   

Dream- Leadership / Discipleship 


We both are passionate in investing in young people. I (TJ) really enjoy digging in deep with men, and I think is a big need for young people today.  I am very excited about the opportunities at Gimli Bible camp to invest in their teen leadership groups.  I have some pretty big dreams about what this could look like in the future!  This picture is of a group of guys I lead through 'The Conquer Series' which is an intense discipleship journey focused on sexual purity.  We hiked up a mountain together in Jasper just to indulge our God given desire for adventure and challenge!  I am excited to be mentored over the next few years by Gimli Bible Camps current director, as I ease into more and more responsibility. 

Dream- Gimli Bible Camp 

This camp is a real special Gem.  I'm really looking forward to actually seeing it and working at it!!  I love the heart and desire to reach those who are unreached.  Many if not most of the kids and youth come from inner city Winnipeg.  It is amazing what can happen in these children's lives when they get out to camp for a week!  

Dream- Resource for Foster Families

Adoption and fostering are beautiful, practical ways to live out the love of Christ. But its challenging and by no means glamorous. We want to be a sanctuary for adoptive and fostering families to spend time. We imagine a space where parents or older sibling can bring a child to connect and explore.

God has made animals intuitive, and nature therapeutic. It's not rocket science, and yet it is mysterious and profound how a setting like this can unlock a child in trauma, or build trust, or break down defensiveness. 

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