Rise Again Ranch
Meet The Penners!!
We are an active, outdoorsy family! There's a lot of love, and more to spare for whoever is joining in the chaos on any given day! Our family comes to Manitoba with a number of horses, a dog named Walter and one lonely barn cat that adopted himself into the clan.
We love Jesus, and learn about him together as we grow. We think it's important to be involved in the community and the local church. For this new season, we feel like a trans-planted tree with 2 main root systems, drawing life and love from two communities. We have our oldest roots in Manitoba, but are blessed to also now have precious connections in Entwistle Alberta.

Hey! I am thankful to be a stay-at-home mom to 3 wild little people. I love mentoring and counselling teens and young adults, and I love all things horses! In fact I'm definitely on a horse in this photo...
My less obsessive hobbies include art, furniture projects and guitar.
Howdy. My name is TJ, and I am a 'Jack of all trades, master of none' kinda guy. I've done a little bit of a lot of things and I'm not afraid to tackle projects. I enjoy hard, hands-on work, but my heart is for ministry. Working with teens over the years has been fun.
I like sports, mountains, campfires, reading and wrestling my kids after work.

Fletcher (Filtcher)
Look out world! I am 1 yr 4 mths and I keep my family on their toes! I'm the youngest in a family of powerful people, but I'm holding my own! I scream when I see animals, love to pull my sisters hair, climb, ride the lawn mower and eat eat eat! I also make funny faces and like to snuggle... for a few seconds anyway.
Charlie (Boomer)

Hi! If you don't know why I'm called Boomer, you probably haven't met me.
I'm 4, and I don't do anything half-hearted, and I have a few scars to prove it! Anything I feel, I feel in a BIG way!
I love trucks, tractors, construction equiptment, lawn mowers, monster trucks; things that are big and noisy like me! But inside, I'm a teddy bear like my Dad, and I love to share the things that are special to me.
Jade (Poco)

Hello! I'm 6, and I have my work cut out for me every day helping my Mom remember all the things she forgets, and keeping my rascally brothers in line! When I'm not busy holding the entire world together, I'm pretending I'm a horsey named 'Poco Vandy Chex!'
I can be a little shy, but if you give me time to come around, you'll see what a big heart God gave me!
An ordinary family with an extraordinary God.
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Meet the 4-Legged Family

2010 Quarter Horse X Percheron
Boaz is a Penner family original, trained from yearling on. He is Amanda's main mount and he excels at everything that's asked of him. He's safe and slow, or energetic and ready for adventure! Boaz loves most to jump, and is also a great trail boss, does arena patterns, swims, and is the go-to horse to pony kids and colts.
2010 Quarter Horse X Thoroughbred/Belgian

Half brother to Boaz, Sam is the other Penner family original. At 16.3hh, he's a beast of a riding horse, but true to the old adage, he is a gentle giant.
Sam is in his glory with someone who just takes time to snuggle him or brush his mane. He's an old soul who likes so much to take it easy.

2019 Golden Retreiver
"Salty Walty" is a great family dog who will roll over for scratches all day. With our family outside daily, he is about as happy as a dog could be.
However, still in his puppy teething stage, he finds plenty of trouble. So if you visit, be careful where you leave your shoes or gloves!
Jill (Jelly Beans)
2009 Registered Welsh Section B Pony

Jill is technically a boarder, as she is owned by Granny June who has always dreamed of owning her own horse!
This stylish bay roan mare had a few months off riding to have her first gorgeous foal (Hasty Jake).
As we get Jill back into riding, she proves to be a typical moody pony mare, and a spaz when tied. HOWEVER, get her on the trail and she's the happiest pony around. She and Jade have a fantastic bond growing.

Rascat (rascally-cat)
At our previous home, Brightwood Ranch, he was the single orphaned kitten left in the barn. In his loneliness, he took it upon himself to leave the barn and adopt himself into our family and live on our porch with our dog. Consequently, he behaves more like a puppy than a cat. When we moved, what choice did we have but to take him too?

Hasty Jake
2020 Welsh B X Canadian
He exists by accident, but he's no mistake! Hasty's mom Jill and some of her mare buddies broke through their fence and were bred by Canadian studs... big breeding 'oopsy!'
But he is gorgeous, well put together and athletic! This feisty colt has been big time fun for our family in an otherwise heavy summer.
Hasty is a silly, feisty fellow who is promising to teach me much as I work with him more in the halter!
Hugga Mare
2009 registered Quarter Horse

Hugga was my little souveneir from Alberta. As a 2 year old, she had a 45 day start on her, after which she was put out to pasture as a broodmare.
Many a great horse become part of a breeding program where they never get a chance to shine as a riding partner.
With her gorgeous colt at her side, we have started Hugga (also called Alberta) back under saddle.
In addition to being a great mom, she's brave and eager to go off the yard looking for adventures. She bush-whacks like a rhino!

AQHA (pending)
Our newest equine family member is this little gem; Quest.
I nearly went mad waiting for him to be born, he was a very late foal, born August 14th. Well worth the wait, he is a gorgeous bay, and lovely specimen of the Quarter horse breed. He was born in Alberta just days before it'd be too late to transport him to Manitoba. At 2 weeks old, he made the very long trailer ride to his new home where he has settled well.
Unlike his herd-cousin Hasty, who is silly and mischevious, Quest is a more serious and stately soul.