On May 27th at 9:55am, Brogan Ezekiel Thane was born. Jade has been praying he will be a peacemaker, so we will see what comes! He has been a great fit into our family, and our kids are really enjoying him! He’s healthy, happy and has a really crazy talent already. He can overlap his fingers over the top of his head as a newborn. Just like our other kids, his name has a special meaning which I will post on another time!

So a few nights before Brogan was born, we got to watch our pony Jill give birth to a new colt! A very cute little guy we still have not named. Our pig is due today, and life is really booming at the Penner House hold!

I’m back at work now, and sprinting as fast as I can so I don’t get run over by the train thats a coming.
Please pray for:
· Amanda and the kids as I won’t be very present over the next 2.5 months
· Our property is still really swamped, and we are having campers out for summer
· We are hoping to set up a few farm activites for campers
· We are needing some volunteers to help us at our farm
· Me as I run LDP this summer
· Are horses thrush (foot rot) will not get worse
· A good hay supply for this year
· Meaningful times spent with the Lord in the midst of the chaos!
· We are super short staffed at camp