As I was watching the sun come up over Lake Winnipeg on my first day of work at Gimli Bible Camp, I was seeking the Lord for an encouragement for this 'new season' of life. This is what was coming to mind. I started watching the sky at around 7:15am and the sky was starting to brighten in the east. It continued to change noticeably as the time ticked on. At 8am I was starting to wonder if the Sun was coming up behind the tree's outside of my viewing area over the Lake (It was pretty bright already!) I checked my phone to see the official sunrise time and was surprised to see it was at 8:36am. And sure enough, at that time, the sun pretty much jumped out of the horizon quickly compared to early signs of the light.

I love nature, and this was all very stunning! I notice in my life that I way to often will focus on a certain goal, end point, vacation, finish line, etc. and work hard to get there. Often when I manage to get to the 'finish lines' the result is not as good or fulfilling as I hoped. I know that our God is exceedingly patient. I think he is much more interested in our journey along the way, then getting to our 'finish lines!' When I read the Word, and read the stories of how God works in peoples lives, I always seem to neglect the fact that the stories often happen over months, years, decades, even centuries!!! The answer's and 'finish lines' seem so instant to me when I read a short account from the Bible, when in reality it took years! So as I waited for the Sunrise, it was evident it was coming, it was beautiful, it took much longer than I thought in coming. As I begin work here at Gimli Bible Camp, I am challenged to not have a 'finish line' in sight. (That does not mean I have no goals or plans!) I am challenged to see how God is working through me and the camp, I will be looking continually for the tiniest signs of light slicing through the darkness. The smallest ray of light can bring so much hope! It is not about "THE moment, but its about all THE MOMENTS. Its about how God wants to walk with me day to day to shape me through various joys and trials. Its the journey that transforms us for the finish.
Picture Top Left: Fletcher and I working on Jade's room together
Picture Top Right: Amanda and Jade leading a trail ride!
Picture Bottom Left: Jade, Fletcher and Charlie pretending to be super heroes with their blankies from Great Grandma!
Picture bottom Middle: Fletcher opening up his Christmas gift
Picture: Bottom Right: We saw this Turkey wondering around GImli, and later found out he's a local celebrity!
Prayer Requests
There is a lot of flexibility at the Job at Gimli, so for the Lord to guide every day!
We still have a lot of smaller parts to reno in our house, it would be nice to complete by summer
Summer camps would be able to run this summer
For our full financial support to come in
Our kids and Amanda would be able to adjust to me being gone from home again
We could get all our admin stuff done in transferring to living in Manitoba again!
2020 was extremely hard on us as a family, we would love for the Lord to help heal the emotional brokenness in our hearts.