I started reading Generation Z Unfiltered by Tim Elmore, and I've found some incredible stories, one of which I will share below. I'm an optimist at heart, and I'm excited about the new generation coming up! If you haven't noticed, the world is kinda full of doom and gloom, but I think there is hope for those who choose to rise above.
Haygarth proved "the story you tell yourself is often just as important as the drug.' It actually impacts the outcomes. When anesthesiologist Henry Beecher ran out of morphine while operating on wounded soldiers during World War 2, he feared performing surgery on them without any anesthetic. But, alas, he had none. So, he tried an experiment. He gave the wounded men a salt-water drip (with no pain killer) and discovered the same reality. "The patients reacted as if they had been given morphine. They didn't scream, or howl, and they didn't go into full-blown shock. Belief is quite a persuasive element.
What's the Point I Am Making About Kids?
I Believe most adults are walking around with an over-arching narrative about today's kids. It's the story we tell ourselves - whether it's based on fact or feeling - that informs the way we perceive, feel, and act toward them. In short, it informs how we lead them. Even if the story is based upon false assumptions, it is just as influential as reality. My point is not that we should lie to our selves or to our young people. Pretending something to be true is never enough. My point is to remind you of the power of your personal narrative. While we often look back at the discovery of the placebo effect with a smirk, we all know there are many occasions when what we believe about someone completely affects our reaction to him or her.

If you read our Gimli Bible Camp newsletter coming out soon, you will see a little piece i've written about Jesus and children. I don't want to put in spoilers here, but I am very challenged on Jesus' perspective on kids. He believes in them, and calls us to become like them. Challenging!!! What would happen, in the context of growing faith, if you believed in your kids more; if you challenged them more; if you gave them the tools and allowed them to serve God in their own creative ways. I've seen a number of times where our little children have broken through to youth and adults who had an 'impenetrable' emotional wall up.
I have great concerns for the 'environment' the secular world is creating for children to grow up in. In many ways it seems they are under attack, and its being glossed over because people are promoting evil ideas as 'good' for children.
So... I am challenged, as an optimist, as a dad, as a camp leader: to believe that our God, CAN and WILL work through our children in mighty ways. Belief is quite a persuasive element, let us cry out to God for belief in our children to serve him in radical ways today.
I've got a brilliant new Camp Promo idea for recruiting volunteers! So you know the verse Matthew 18:10 "See that you do not despise one of these little ones. For I tell you that their angels in heaven always see the face of my Father in heaven."
So picture this on a poster!!
-A scene of children playing a wide game.
-A corner of the picture, "rolled back", revealing an armored, sword wielding angel standing guard over the youngsters game.
-Caption "Come serve at camp this year, we've got a fantastic support team in place!"
Northern lights seen from our kitchen window bench
Please join us in praying for the Lord to direct and guide us in setting up our "Horse Ministry" at Rise Again Ranch. We recognize we have to be careful of what we commit to because we have such a young family. We desire to start it on a good foundation, and I think the two are very compatible. We are very, very inspired by these guys: https://www.crystalpeaksyouthranch.org/
We hope to move in that direction over time. One of our needs going into this spring/summer season is getting an outdoor arena set up. Thank you for your prayers!