So I was reading in Matthew the other morning, and something really grabbed my attention in the study notes!! So instead of me paraphrasing, which will make much less sense, I will simply share what it has to say!

Study notes for Matthew 2:1-2 - The Magi travelled thousands of miles to see the king of the Jews. When they finally found him, they responded with joy, worship, and gifts. This is so different from the approach people often take today. We expect God to come looking for us, to explain himself, prove who he is, and give us gifts. But those who are wise still seek and worship Jesus today, not for what they can get, but for who he is!!!!!!

This statement is profound in many ways! Hope it impacts you like it did me.
Prepare for a long hard journey with me, and lets go pursue Jesus!
Ways you can pray for us!
- Homeschooling
Patience for Amanda, and the kids would be keep doing their best!
- We lost 4 grandparents in 2020, and that's a lotta loss to process without family support and proper closure.
- At camp we are putting together our 5 year plan, so a lotta wisdom for that!
- House reno's to wrap up hopefully before the end of 2021.....
- We are so grateful for our prayer supports and financial supporters, prayers that we would get a lot more prayer people, and a few more financial supporters!
- The restrictions would lift soon, so we can start ministering and loving on people fully again!
- The Lord would grow an abundance of love in our hearts for all the people we will meet in 2021
- We could continue to build relationship with our neighbor's and introduce them to Jesus!
- Amanda and I are still feeling emotionally tapped out easily from all of 2020, so that the Lord would renew that energy for us!
Send me an email in ways that we can be praying for you!