So I have a humbling story to share today! It happened a number of days ago. It was an early morning, and I had Charlie with me driving to work. (I bring the kids occasionally and they really enjoy being at camp while I work!) The sun was coming from the front, but it wasn't blinding. I think there may have been a little bit of fog out, and then I notice a bit of an extra foggy section coming up to the right. That's odd! As I got closer I realized it was a truck that had slid just off the road into some deep snow. (In my head I knew there was nothing I could do to help out, and it wasn't very serious looking) In that split second reasoning I drove by, and I think it was our neighbor's truck sitting in the ditch!

Fletchers Birthday was on Feb 23, we now have a 2 year old!! Cakes stand no chance against this guy!
A couple days later I was just kicking myself for what I hadn't done! I was and am still very embarrassed by my lack of action. I knew I had sinned, as I read a few days later in James 4:17 'If anyone, then, knows the good they ought to do and doesn't do it, it is sin for them.' Even though practically there was nothing I could have done, it would have been a good opportunity to show our neighbor's that we care about them. (I do honestly!) It would have been a good example to Charlie of how to care for people in sudden need. It would have reflected what Christ would have done!

They say its not good to live vicariously through your children, but... I just might push at least one of them to be able to dunk!! I mean how cool does that look!!
It reminds me of one of my weaknesses; that I tend to avert/abort/disappear/vanish/slink (Get the point?) from social situations that are totally unexpected for me. If there's a chance of embarrassing someone else, or embarrassing me without having a little bit of time to think it through, I tend to avoid at all costs. When I have a little bit of time to prep for any kind of social engagement regardless of what it is I can muscle through. The lesson to learn for me is that I want to always be ready for opportunities the Lord brings across my path!! Ah Lord help me! The funny thought afterwards was... "Do I pray that the Lord would help them hit the ditch again so I can redeem myself?!" I refrained from that prayer!! Instead i'm asking the Lord to help me be bolder, to be more inconvenienced, to die to myself! I want to be quick to help people out in need.

So as were on the topic of confessing things... no I did not pee myself!!! I was fixing the door in the shower, when my back bumped the handle and turned it on. I whirled around quite surprised, and apparently when your surprised you don't know which way is on or off. So I managed to crank it full open before figuring out how to get it shut! And wouldn't you know it... the water was directed right below the belt!

Never a dull moment with these guys, and for those of you wondering, No! Jade does not sleep with cowboy boots and a hat on, but Yes, she is ready to hop on a horse at any moment! It is Fletcher's new night time routine to take off his sleeper before he gets to bed. And Charlie... is Charlie! New nickname for him is, Middle C!