Today I get to scribe what Jade says, and you will have the privilege of entering into the world of Jade Lillian Victory Penner!! She's six years old, loves horses and is a passionate person!!

So here's Jade!!
We live on a farm and we have 1 dog, whose name is Walter. We have three cats. Ones name is splash a dash, the other two cats names are Rascat and Jasper. We have six horses: Boaz. Jill, Sam, Alberta, Quest and Hasty. (Shes trying to think now) Our ranch is called Rise Again Ranch. We would love to have you over sometime. God and Jesus love you both very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very much! (Another thinking break) (She giggled when I told her i wrote that) We have lots of colorful pictures and a garden at Rise Again Ranch. Mommy and Jade would love to take you on a trail ride. God is Love. (thinking) God loves you more then all of the sparks in the world! Do you like to roast hot dogs over a campfire? Because we would love to have a weiner roast with you. So please enjoy what i'm saying. Our last name is Penners, so what is your last name? Hopefully you read this 100,000 times. We love reading books. And we have a little two year old thats name is Fletcher. And he is very funny sometimes. And he's very bad sometimes. And i have a big brother that loves to be pesty. But he's also very good at making me laugh. Sorry i'm taking so long thinking about what to write in this blog. And we have Hannah that's nickname is Ham because 2 year old calls her Ham or for short Granny Ham. Shes staying to live with us and her family lives in Blue Bronna, a camp in Alberta. You should come and see our horses. They are cool, there groovy, and they love to have fun, but not so much Boaz. So please come to Rise Again Ranch. Ha ha hee ha ha he he. Oh sorry, i just thought of something funny. Okay, learn a lesson. Don't laugh when writing a blog, so glad you've learned a lesson about writing a blog. Isn't this blog getting long?? I think you'll sit down on the computer for a whole 20 hours trying to read my poem, not poem, but my blog! And then you only have 4 more hours to sleep. k. You might not understand this blog, you better remind yourself, this is wrotten by a six year old. Please send us your mailing addresses. (Thinking break, thinking break ((Said outloud this time)) Did you know, that we have not actually that we have er, minus that, erase that please. Ahhh!!! Daddys being silly. Ha ha hee ha ha ha hee ha ha hee. See the 4 hours you are going to be sleeping, your going to be going hee ha hee haa hee, just laughing your head off. Okay, learn a lesson, Don't laugh when your falling asleep, becuase you'll lose your head, and you would not like to do that? I think once 2 year old Fletcher licked a door stop. That is disgusting!!!! Pee Yew! I have to pinch my nose because i might soon puke up, and i have to turn my head away. Do you know if i see poop, i'll probably start gagging. and i might even puke up. Okay, take advantage of this, please nicely. Do you know how to spell the word firewood? Please please please please please please please nicely answer my question. (Daddy says its time to wrap up the blog and say good bye) Bye guys, i hope you start laughing in the night in the four hours you have to sleep! Bye Bye!!
