Some things start small, and get even bigger before they even had a chance to start. How does that make any sense!? Let me explain!

A couple of Christmas' ago we gave a really cool gift to a young girl whose mom lived in a long term recovery centre. Amanda and our two kids got to deliver it, and it was such a blessing to see the joy in their family as well a chance to hear their story (Wild!) That birthed the idea this year that we would ask Jael if there was a family that she has contact with that we could make a hamper for. We made a big chore list with dollar amounts beside each chore and gave our kids the opportunity to work and earn money to put together a hamper for the family!
As we started this, I thought to myself, " There's gotta be a lot more families that could really use this kind of help these days!" So I connected with Calvary Church and Jael, which resulted in 10 families being blessed with awesome hampers!
We delivered them this last Sunday, and it was great to see many kids I know from camp and the smiles on their families faces! The moms, aunts, guardians etc, were very receptive and quite touched by it. Jael has received a lot of additional thanks already!
From the conversations I've had already, there are a lot more people excited to jump on board with this project for next year! Can't wait to see where it goes!!!!!!!
Merry Christmas from our family to yours! We are so blessed by the support network we have. Thank you to those who pray for us, who check up on us, who give financially, who read our blog, who serve at camps, who love Jesus! Thank you! As we look towards the summer ministry of 2023, we are pumped!! We do not anticipate an easy year of ministry, but a fruitful one where we work hard with what the Lord has given us, and trust him for more.
Be blessed, and carry on the good work the Lord has called you into!
****IF you have not received a new family card and prayer card from us, please email us your mailing address and we'd love to send you one!!