If anyone guesses the name correctly of our up and coming baby, we will get you a prize!!
... and yes, you'll only find out if your correct after we had the baby!
Here's some family and ministry updates!

The signs of Spring have Sprung!! These two little guys Lemmon on the left, and Zinga on the right currently live in our house! Cute little peeping, but man do they grow up quickly! Amanda is training them as well....

Not bad fer a pirate aye, matey?! Amanda's full of tricks, niches, and talents! So debuting hopefully at Rise Again Ranch this Spring..... Piglets, kids (Goat babies), more chicks, a foal, kittens, and a real human baby!!! Our Goats and pigs were bred a little late in the season, so they will be coming later this spring, but our foal we are expecting in about a months time!!! Our yard right now is quite full of trickery. It looks like a nice layer of snow everywhere, yet when you step in you sink down to the 5" lake below! Hopefully water gets flowing soon!

So we got 2 rescue horses, which is a blessing and an answer to prayer as well! We had to put Amanda's cousin's horse down this winter due to a real bad injury, and now the Lord has given her a free replacement! We are still seeing if the guy pictured can work out for our purposes, or if we need to sell him to the right home! And yes, beleive it or not thats me 'training' a horse... never thought that day would come.

But let's be honest, here's the real deal trainers! Jade is growing up into the quite the lil horse lady, and Fletcher finally stopped falling asleep while going on rides. With Amanda being more careful about riding/training, we've all had to step up our game.

We've got 11 horses at Rise Again Ranch right now. I think were going to aim for approx 14-16, with 8-10 of them ready for kids to hop on and go on trail rides etc. Our big need here is to clear more land for pasture, improve our own hayland, and find a cheap source of Hay! This summer and fall were aiming to minister with our horses to: Gimli Bible Camp, Families, Gimli Youth Group, Home School Groups, and we're seeking ways we can partner with crisis pregancy centers, foster families, and the First Nation Reserves in the area. If you have other ideas or connections where a farm like ours could be a blessing and further the kingdom of God, please let us know!!! We are very happy to host any events with intentions to share Christ!

It was a dream for many years for Amanda and I to one day run a ministry like this with horses, the outdoors, broken teens and adults, etc. This is all happening so much quicker then we had ever thought. In my (human) thinking it would have been so nice to have a bunch of our teens to help invest into the work. But God is wiser then me, and we have a shark fighting imagineative 3 year old Fletcher! I have no doubt that God will grow their faith in incredible ways during this season. Both through answered prayers, and very hard seasons. God is in charge, and i'm happy I am not!

Well, this gives you a pretty good picture what I looked like as a little chap! I don't even remember what my dreams about doing in the future were, but i'm grateful for the challenging path God has brought me along. Work is really picking up at Gimli Bible Camp and its exciting! I'm leading the LDP program again this summer, and discipleing those youth throughout the summer. After the summer we'll work at intentionally transitioning me to be the director for next summer, hokey fritz!!
Thanks for being a part of our team, and ultimately God's team.
Prayer Requests
- All of us will be ready for baby!
- For volunteers to help with our Gimli Youth Group
- More monthly salary supporters
- More staff for our camp
- The kids would continue to love learning/being with God
- For us to find a good cheap hay source
- For funds to come in for us to make our riding arena this summer
- For partnerships that would be bless organizations/families coming out to Rise Again Ranch for a day
Send us your requests!
Ok…for a boy…Jack
for a girl….Lucy