So far lots of my teenage years and young adult years, I often got to be the youngester person in a group! I really enjoyed that in hindsight, some kind of pride i'm sure. I was thinking this week, man I'm 30 already and I haven't done anything that incredible for the Lord... But then I read this in my study notes and I was really encouraged!

I took the kids to Granny and Poppy's to give Amanda a small break from their chaos! I was texting with one of my friends this week and I got a really good text back about our kids... it goes like this! "Penner kids are strong in their opinions, emotions, wills, and pretty much everything. You have passionate children!" ... and that's why mom needs a break sometimes! Your looking at three kids who could rule a country back there!
Its about Luke 3:23
Imagine the Savoir of the world working in a small-town carpenter's shop until he was 30 years old! It seems incredible that Jesus would have been content to remain in Nazareth all that time, but patiently trusted the Father's timing for his life and ministry. Thirty was the prescribed age for priests to begin their ministry (Numbers 4:3) Joseph was 30 years old when he began serving the king of Egypt (Genesis 41:46), and David was 30 years old when he began to reign over Judah (2 Samuel 5:4) Age 30, then, was a good time to begin an important task in the Jewish culture. Like Jesus, we need to resist the temptation to jump ahead before receiving the Spirit's direction. Are you waiting and wondering what your next step should be? Don't jump ahead - trust God's timing.
Ah Lord thank you. So many good things in there that I needed to hear. Lord help me be content to whatever you call me to do in the next 30 years, whether it be small in man's eyes or a bigger mission. Help me be faithful and work at it with all my heart!
I'm really curious who the first person who reads this is! So as soon as you read this send me a text or email with your name, and I'll mail out a $5 Tim's card to you!
Side Note!!
We are hoping to work on a few projects around our place this summer, and if anyone feels so led we would love a little bit of extra financial support or physical labor!! Lord willing we will be able to have the camp kids come to our 'farm' throughout the summer for some farm activities / petting zoo / etc!! I'll maybe write a separate blog post of the different things we would love to do. Right now we are hoping to put up a 80' round pen riding arena and hopefully next year if not this year a larger outdoor riding arena. (Ask Jade how it feels falling off a horse onto the ground, and she'll give a good report on why we need an arena with sand to let kids ride in!)
Gimli Bible Camp and the Board fully support us and our behind us in this, but there are many fairly stringent requirements when it comes to getting tax receipts for the items we are hoping to complete on our property. So any monetary gifts would not be tax deductible, and would be made out to just Amanda or myself and we would claim it on our income. Please feel absolutely no pressure to give. We feel so blessed with the generosity of our supporters, the prayers, the love. Thank you everyone so much!
Love the Penners!